Rouen Business School launches Masters in ‘Arts Management’
- ROUEN, France
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- November 13, 2012
Responding to calls directly from industry, Rouen Business School has created a new Masters degree dedicated entirely to management in the arts field. The program, entitled MSc in Arts Management, will be introduced to the school programs in October 2013 and will address the specific economic and managerial issues facing organizations operating in the arts industry today.
Cultural and artistic institutions are dealing with profound changes within the industry, namely increased competition due to an ever expanding international landscape. They must continually search for new ways to make profit in the tough new global economic context. To aid in that search, dedicated and specialized talent whose skills and managerial practices have been adapted to face these tests are becoming a sought after commodity.
The course’s content will be aimed specifically at graduates who wish to enter into the creative and cultural industries. All major strategic disciplines will be addressed, including the economics and marketing of culture, international art law, the art market today and art history; as well as day to day management activities such as ensuring financial stability, creating and organizing art projects or auctions and managing institutions.
They will learn how to formulate the profit making strategies, and how to source additional financial and human resources. Methods in developing new partnerships and external sponsors as well as how to deal with the effects of the democratization of culture will also be included in the course.
Students who enroll will be expected to work on case studies the actual practices of important cultural organizations, in addition to frequent visits to institutions and renowned art exhibitions.
The Master of Science in Arts Management will be 9 months full-time, with an obligatory 4-6 month internship at the end of the course. It will be structured around 12 modules of 30 hours on management and administration, adapted purely to arts and cultural organizations. The modules will be delivered by experts from the world of art, ensuring the adequacy of the educational content as well as the needs of the market.