ArtfixDaily Artwire™ RSS Art Institute of Chicago Receives 1,000 Artworks from Single Donor CHICAGO, Illinois / July 15, 2013 Tweet Email Email Content Your Name Your Email Address Recipient's Email Address Separate email addresses with commas. You may provide up to 30 emails at a time. Subject Line Message You can provide a custom message that will preface the content in the email Please provide verification code × Subscribe to our daily newsletter Subscribe Email is invalid Piet Mondrian , Study for a Composition (recto), 1940 / 41 . G ift of Dorothy Braude Edinburg to the Harry B. and Bessie K. Braude Memorial Collection . © Mondrian/Holtzman Trust c/o HCR International, Warrentown, VA; Tags: asian antiques asian art european art Tweet Email Email Content Your Name Your Email Address Recipient's Email Address Separate email addresses with commas. You may provide up to 30 emails at a time. Subject Line Message You can provide a custom message that will preface the content in the email Please provide verification code