Sculpture by Danielle Langford Exhibited at The Farmington Valley Arts Center, November 22-December 21 2013, Candlelight Celebration Opening November 22, 2013 5:00-9:00

  • November 20, 2013 07:30

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Danielle Langford, figurative sculpture on exhibit at The Farmington Valley Arts Center, Avon, CT
Danielle Langford, figurative sculpture on exhibit at The Farmington Valley Arts Center, Avon, CT

Sculpturer Danielle Langsford returns to The Farmington Valley Arts Center for the 37th Annual Candlelight Celebration which opens Friday, November 22, 2013 and continues, Saturday, Novemberr 23, December 6 and weekends through December 21, 2013. Danielle is a gifted sculpturer and teache who enjoys the art of Bronze sculpting.

The process of making bronze figurative sculptures is an arduous task with many steps along the way to create a life like  sculpture which conveys emotion,  subtle movement , expression and anatomic realism.  The sculptor needs to select the right clay, one that will allow the artist to work and re-work the clay.

Building A Skeletal Armature

Next, the clay is formed, often with the help of armatures such as wire or pipes or other materials which provide a skeleton for the figure to help support the weight of the clay.

Capturing Emotion And Expression In Clay

The clay is formed around the armature and the artistic process begins, capturing the pose and expression desired. Next a latex mold of the original clay sculpture is made, a wax replica is poured  followed by casting in bronze.

Hours and hours go into the craft of sculpting bronze figures. Danielle Langford has mastered this art of bronze sculpting and has exhibited her work nationally as well as in Ireland.

Sculpture That Is Honest And Evocative

Danielle speaks about her work: "I begin modeling clay with a pose or image in mind. Then I have models to help be perfect realism and add their live input to the process which"  results in a collaborative final product that is honest and evocative".

You can visit Danielle Langford in her studio as well as 20 artist studios which will be open during the opening of The Candlelight Season, November 22, 5:00 to  9:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 23, 2013 during the day.  Open studios will continue December 6th, 6-9 pm and weekends through December 21. Be sure to visit a wonderful sculpture show in the Fisher Gallery , as well as small works in a Tea Room on the second level. The Drezner Galllery is also open for the holidays with artisan made fine art gifts. 

Danielle Langford, figurative sculpture on exhibit at The Farmington Valley Arts Center, Avon, CT

For more information contact Danielle at

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