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David Datuna at Birnam Wood Galleries

David Datuna - 'ELEMENTS'


Birnam Wood Galleries is pleased to announce that David Datuna’s eighth solo show titled Elements will run from May 1st through June 7th at the gallery’s Chelsea location in New York. The exhibition will be the artist’s first show in New York since his installation "Viewpoint of Billions" at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in February drew 23,000 visitors, the largest crowds the museum has seen for a show in more than three decades. "Viewpoint of Billions" was also the first contemporary artwork to integrate the wearable computer Google Glass, creating a rich interactive experience. Taking the measure of identity is fraught with risk for a visual artist. With this exhibition of portraits, David Datuna explores that challenge in ways that tell us much about the subjects’ identity and simultaneously, something about ourselves and our shared narrative of history and culture. From Lincoln to the Beatles, from Martin Luther King to Andy Warhol, Datuna has chosen figures that allow him to decode the origins of influence. The title Elements is taken from the centerpiece of the show, a diptych that pairs Albert Einstein with Euclid’s Elements, the seminal work of mathematics written in the third century BC. Described as the second most widely published book after the Bible, the book’s findings underpin much of logic and modern science. Its influence is immense. Einstein said it kindled his interest in science. Lincoln insisted it was the most influential book of his life. At its core, Euclid’s Elements is a guidepost for clarity that established absolute values. In this exhibition, Datuna’s Elements probe for similar fixed elements of identity and influence in the modern world. That theme has fascinated the artist since he arrived in the United States in the late 1990s. Growing up during the Cold War in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia, the artist experienced first-hand a society where creative freedom was constantly under assault. In some ways, Datuna’s story meshes with many of his subjects in the show as a tale of aspiration: in his case, a journey surmounting disillusionment and finding a place where the artist’s creative voice can be celebrated.

Birnam Wood Galleries
514 West 24th St.
New York, New York