Homer to Hopper: American Watercolor Masterworks from the Currier Museum of Art
This exhibition will feature extraordinary works by such nationally known masters as Winslow Homer, Maurice Prendergast, Childe Hassam, Rockwell Kent, Edward Hopper, Charles Burchfield, John Marin, Charles Sheeler, Stuart Davis, and Andrew Wyeth. Drawn from the impressive collection the Currier has built over its 80-year history, these watercolors have not been exhibited as a group for two decades because of the fragile nature of the medium. The exhibition will include about seventy works that trace the history of watercolor over the last 175 years. A strong representation of work by important New Hampshire artists will range from portraits by nineteenth-century itinerant painter Joseph H. Davis to landscapes by New Hampshire Living Treasure award winner John Hatch and abstract compositions by contemporary painter and sculptor Varujan Boghosian. This exhibition is supported in part by a grant from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.