$30 Find at Estate Sale May Be Dürer Sketch Worth $50 Million
- November 23, 2021 21:06

A Massachusetts man who picked up a yellowed drawing for $30 at an estate sale in 2016 may have found an unknown work by a master.
The unframed work on linen, monogrammed 'A.D.', was picked up for its fine quality by the man, who prefers to remain anonymous. Years later, experts contend it is a rediscovered drawing by German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer, worth around $50 million.
An unknown work by the artist has not resurfaced since the 1970s, writes Martin Bailey in The Art Newspaper.
The piece, which is not priced, is offered by Agnews Gallery in London with the title The Virgin and Child With a Flower on a Grassy Bench (1503), and it is likely a preparatory work for a 1506 painting. Dürer depicted a smiling Virgin Mary and her son Jesus Christ squirming on her lap.
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