Artists Make a Statement With Trump Campaign Bus
- February 04, 2016 13:01
David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic, cofounders of politically minded art collective T. Rutt, purchased their idea of artistic "raw material" on Craigslist---a Trump campaign bus once used in Des Moines, Iowa, by the Republican presidential candidate.
Since late last year, the pair has transformed the bus for a series of political artworks that Rachel Maddow of MSNBC has called a "kind of rolling installation." T.rump bus was parked at the Conception Art Fair during the Art Basel Week in Miami Beach. Next stop: VOLTA NYC Art Fair, March 2-6.
Among the many ways the artists have altered the bus is rewording the candidate's slogan on one side to read: “T.RUMP: Make Fruit Punch Great Again.” The other side read: #WomenTrumpTrump, in protest of Trump's derogatory comments on women.
"The bus is a great platform for responding to Trump’s daily belligerence, whether it be racial, religious, sexist, or his teasing of a handicapped reporter," says the artists' website.
The artists have a Kickstarter page to help fund their way on the T.rump bus to primary states.