Painting App Draws New Adapters to Virtual Reality
- April 06, 2016 11:59
A painting app could be the catalyst for getting new, "non-gamer" users to try virtual reality. Wednesday saw the sales launch of the HTC Vive Headset, and Tilt Brush is one simple, intuitive and fun app that could draw kids, artists, and just about anyone to using VR.
"Feels like a bit of a dance," "sculpting in space," or making "old school sculpture," say those at a 2015 product demo via YouTube.
From Fast Company:
Tilt Brush is Google’s self-proclaimed app for "Painting in 3D space with virtual reality," comes bundled with the headset, and is the first great art app for virtual reality. Using the app and the controllers on systems like the Vive, users can create amazingly detailed artwork. It’s intuitive, intensely immersive, and does something funny… While a user plays around with the different brushes and pencils and zooms, they learn how to use the virtual reality controllers.