- NEW YORK, New York
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- February 07, 2014

Neither snow nor cold nor winds of winter stopped the steady stream of fair-goers from flowing into the 3rd edition of The METRO Show, which opened with a preview on January 22nd at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea.
Among the 1,500 attendees were numerous prominent collectors, curators, celebrities and interior designers who came to check out what the 37 galleries had to offer at their splendidly curated booths.
This year, curators from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Smithsonian, The American Folk Art Museum, The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, The Nelson Atkins Museum, and The Deerfield Museum were on hand, making their way through the aisles with an eye towards snapping up something choice for their respective museums.
Among the illustrious designers were Geoffrey Bradfield, Ellie Cullman, Sandra Nunnerley, Maureen Footer, Ronald Bricke, Christopher Boshears, Harry Heissmann, Dennis Rolland, Joanne de Palma, Clodagh, Paul Siskin, Mario Buatta, Alex Papachristides, Stephanie Stokes. Other notables included artists Martin Puryear and Philip Pearlstein, Blythe Danner, Anderson Cooper, Harvey Fierstein, Jerry Lauren and Miller Gaffney.
METRO Show director Caroline Kerrigan Lerch enjoyed an unequivocal positive response from attendees as well as exhibitors. “It was distinctly gratifying that so many people appreciated the fair’s revised, curated approach in which each exhibitor articulated his or her point of view through a thematic or single artist exhibit. This in turn connected attendees to the exhibits on display.”
Commented Jerry Lauren, an avid folk art collector: “This is one of my favorite shows – it’s eclectic, fun and very entertaining–with some wonderful things to see and to buy.”
“The METRO Show is diverse and has a wonderful range of objects that would appeal to a number of my clients,” said interior designer Maureen Footer.
“The show has come into its own with a superb and unexpected mix of folk, contemporary, and ethnographic material” offered Ellie Cullman, an interior designer and collector in her own right.

Throughout the Metropolitan Pavilion the participating dealers expressed enthusiasm about the turnout, and especially the robust sales.
Aarne Anton, of American Primitive Gallery in New York, who returned to the METRO after a one-year hiatus, raved about the new thematic approach of the show. His booth was called “Carnival of Earthly Desires.” “Rather than just filling a booth with objects, I had to make choices as to what to bring and not to bring for my stand,” he said. He reported a number of sales including an anniversary tin umbrella, a snake shovel by Howard Jones, a pair of fun house mirrors, a primitive arcade rooster, a trolley sign: “Danger High Voltage,” an Odd Fellow skeleton, a painted hoop toy, and boots by Howard Jones.
Samuel Herrup, from Sheffield Mass, was pleased with the opening night crowd and enthusiasm throughout the fair. Among his sales were a landscape painting; a large fanciful American landscape, oil on canvas, Hudson River Valley, c.1850-70; an excellent redware jar, ME or NH, c.1800-1820 and a fine English salt-glazed teapot, c. 1750.
Carl Hammer Gallery, from Chicago, sold two works by Eugene von Bruenchenheim–one a painting as well as a miniature set of Bone Chairs, 1960-65 as well as a painting by Bill Traylor, Untitled (3 Figure Construction, 1939-42). “It was a constant flow of people, many of whom were first-time attendees with a great amount of interest and curiosity,” said Mr. Hammer.
Another Chicago participant was Doug Dawson, a first-time exhibitor. “I was happy to be at the fair and look forward to coming back.” Dawson sold to a major interior design firm as well as established clients including 3 vintage African photographs, circa 1930 by C.K. Zagourski; An earthenware ritual vessel, Mama culture, Nigeria, 20th century and a Shrine Figure, Yatenga culture, Burkina Faso, 20th century.
H. Malcolm Grimmer from Santa Fe, was pleased that that the full series of 26 Sheridan Pages–a rare group of c. 1870 Southern Cheyenne ledger drawings depicting court scenes–was sold on opening night. “This was our second year at the METRO Show and once again we are leaving on a happy note,” commented Grimmer.
Clifford A. Wallach, the tramp art specialist from Manalapan New Jersey, had the best show ever at METRO, with numerous sales throughout the four-day run. “This was by far our best fair ever,” he stated. Among the things collectors bought were a masterwork Tramp Art remembrance frame with expressive decorative elements, signed by Peter Zietz, June 18, 1921, Rhinebeck NY; a blue painted Tramp Art pedestal box and a Tramp Art Odd Fellow presentation frame, 1890.
Says Roger Ricco of Ricco/Maresca Gallery, who has been with the show from the beginning, “This show is fresh and finally coming into its own. Where else would one be able to see Folk art collectors buying a contemporary painting by Philip Pearlstein?” Among their sold objects were a Gunther Schutzenhofer painting, called “A Rocket,” 2012, graphite on paper and a collection of original hand-lettered sign painters’ samples, artist unknown, Paris, France, c. 1930.
First-timer Bo Alexander, Director of Allan Stone Projects, was equally enthusiastic about his experience at the fair and said that he will definitely be back next year. Some of the items sold were a 19th century American pine figure of a bird; “Man With Decision” March 23 1973 Ink, water color, gouache, oil, pencil and colored pencil and a 19th century semi-articulated wooden trade figure, probably American.
“This show is really, really at its best, and we are very pleased with its diversity,” says Bonnie Grossman, The Ames Gallery in Berkeley, California, who reported that numerous works by Deborah Barrett were sold including “Untitled (Masked Figure);” “Untitled (2 Unmasked Figures);” “Untitled Blue Burqua Series,” 2013; “Figure in Tan Skirt,” 1998; a vessel by Georgia Blizzard, circa 1980s and a painting by outsider artist Dorothy Bing.
Newcomers C&J Goodfriend Drawings & Prints, from New York, who exhibited prints and drawings from the 14th -19th centuries said “We were very happy to be here.” Carol Goodfriend, who owns the gallery with her husband Jim, elaborated “We met a new, young audience who were fascinated by the fact that we were showing 14th and 15th century drawings. As one 20-something said when I showed him a Tiepolo drawing, ‘Awesome!’” The Goodfriends reported sales of 2 Auguste Brouet etchings – “Une Matinée Avenue de Clichy” and “Halle aux Poissons a Marseilles” as well as prints by Tiepolo, Max Weber, and Oscar Blumner.
Also new to the fair was New York’s David Findlay Jr. Gallery. “We enjoyed being here because we didn’t get lost in a crowd of contemporary art dealers,” said Mr. Newman. “It was thoughtfully put together and we met an interesting mix of collectors who enjoyed the atmosphere.” He reported that a Beatrice Mandelman acrylic, with mixed media collage on masonite, circa 1955 was sold.
Stephen Romano succinctly summed up his feeling about the METRO Show with “I’m happy to be here!” Elaborating further he said “The standard of excellence is showing and the fair is growing in a positive direction.” Mr. Romano reported numerous sales of drawings by Charles A.A. Dellschau, including “Many Press Blooms (men who did),” March 20, 1920; “The Celestial Universe,” c. 1960; “The Right to Arms is the Right to Kill,” c.1960; A. Fiorello (unknown); Jana Brike (Latvia), “Altered Memory 01-06-2013;” Dan Barry’s “Krampus,” a collage, pencil, mixed media in found vintage frame; “A Standing Figure,” by Ray Robinson 2013; and Colin Christian’s provocative “Pussy Whipped,” 2014.
Amy Finkel of M. Finkel & Daughter in Philadelphia, was kept very busy during the run of the fair with collectors new and old who purchased a number of rare samplers including “Important Philadelphia Sampler,” by Ann Simmons, 1792, Ann Marsh School; “Fine Linsey-Woolsey Sampler” by Betsy Wells Salem MA; an 1804 very large green demijohn, blown and molded, c. 1875; a rare Tennessee sampler by Isabel Stewart of Nashville, 1848; an embroidered flower basket sampler with beadwork and spangles on silk moiré, c. 1830; a Pennsylvania Quaker sampler by Rachel E. Kirk, 1831 and a large mid-20th century brass needle and scissors.
William Siegal, from Santa Fe, said that he had experienced the best fair yet and expects to close on a number of sales before the fair ends. “I was very happy with the caliber of visitors who came to the show.” he said. Among his sales were an ancestral Lapis mask, Alamito-Condorhausi Culture, North Argentina, 400 BC-900 AD; 4 fertility dolls, Fali/Kirdi Culture-Cameroon, c. early 20th c. wood, beads, shells and adornment.
Susan Baerwald, of Just Folk, from Los Angeles, whose stand was devoted entirely to Bill Traylor, saw 4 of this famed outsider works go home with enthusiastic buyers. They included “Half-spotted Cat,” “Blue jumping cat,” “Woman with Handbag and Umbrella,” and “Black Dog Running.” “Rather than bringing a multitude of different things, we decided to a single-artist exhibition and we were delighted that people responded to it the way they did,” said Ms. Baerwald.
Tim Hill, whose gallery is based in Birmingham Michigan said, “The people we met were enthusiastic and welcomed the diversity of the fair and ease in which they were able to navigate it.” He sold a series of 6 John Walker Seal Point Maine Series and 5 photographs by Bill Raschauser.
Shari Cavin and Randall Morris of the Cavin Morris Gallery, in New York, were delighted with the activity on their stand. “We like the concept of METRO Curates and think it helped us present a selection of material that appealed to a wide swath of collectors,” said Mr. Morris, who also organized the well-attended “Dialogues” educational series of lectures and panel discussions. Among the items sold were a Sylvaine and Ghyslaine Staelens masque, 2013, made from wood pigment cloth, leather and found objects; “Spiritual #2” c. 1961-66, a watercolor on paper by Melvin Edward Nelson; a bronze by Guillaume Couffignal; two pieces by Melanie Ferguson - “Lost at Sea,” 2013 and “A Lidded Vessel” topped with Pacific Ocean Sandstone and “Urchin 8,” 2013, hand-built stoneware sgraffito oxide stains, with a Korean Celadon liner glaze.
American flag and patriotic textile specialist Jeff Bridgman American Antiques from York County PA, reported a number of sales including a 34-star flag in a great star pattern, made at the opening of the Civil War, 1861-63; a vertical banner made for the celebration of the nation’s 100 year anniversary of Independence, 1876; a Centennial Stevens graph (woven silk picture) with an image of George Washington and the Philadelphia Exposition; A Lincoln mourning ribbon and Lincoln mourning flag and a banner weathervane made by Harris, c. 1880-90.
Fahey.Bodell.Stein/Umbrella Arts from Manhattan’s Lower East Side was very enthusiastic about the gallery’s first time at the METRO Show. “We were busy from opening night through the closing of the fair,” said MaryAnn Fahey. She reported numerous sales, which included two fiber sculptures by Ruben Marroquin; pinhole photographs by Thomas Mezzanotte; several paintings by Lisa Krivacka and works by Tom McGlynn.
Oldwick, NJ folk art specialists Gemini Antiques reported a number of sales including a cast for Great Western Press Drill, manufactured by J.D. Laman & Co., 1880; an Indian riding horse silhouette weathervane, 1900; “Soldiers Marching in Formation,” made by Carl Rossingol, c. 1890; a bald eagle examining the American landscape from the lofty branch of an evergreen, c. 1895 and American industrial mold for doll’s legs, c. 1940.
Among the folk art that Boston-based Stephen Score sold was a trade sign “Love Nest,” 1933 and “No Liquor Allowed,” a sign from the Plymouth Court House, c. 1920; as well as a pair of seahorse taborets.
Chicago’s Bernard Armstrong Gallery sold drawings by Jules-Auguste Habert-Dys, Assiette a Desserts, no. 10 and no. 4, both created for the 1889 Paris Exposition.
Zucker Art Books from New York City reported that three landscapes by Dieter Roth had found buyers.
According to Ms. Kerrigan Lerch, the 2015 edition of The METRO Show will open at the Metropolitan Pavilion, on Wednesday, January 21 through 25.
For more information visit: www.metroshownyc.com