- BLOOMFIELD, New Jersey
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- June 03, 2014

As spring days lengthen and mercury rises with the coming summer season, Nye and Company has one hot auction on tap for June. The 809 lots are now posted to www.igavelauctions.com through June 17th. The sale includes a wide array of fine and decorative arts from the greater Metropolitan area, but certain rarities stand-out from the overall strong group and are worth mentioning in detail. The galleries will be beautifully set up and open for viewing from June 9th until the sale closes, including the weekend of the 14th and 15th from noon to 4pm each day. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the exhibition.
A private Short Hills family is downsizing from a house occupied for nearly a half-century. As children grew and left home, their collection grew and grew. The focus was on Americana and the trappings that went along with it. The paintings, Sandwich Glass, brass, hearth equipment and paintings were gathered on trips, from dealers and shows. The most important object included in their de-accessioned pieces is a truly remarkable pictorial sand art bottle. Bearing a label on the underside inscribed “PICTURED ROCK SAND/ PUT UP BY / A. CLEMENS/ DEAF MUTE/ McGREGOR, IOWA” the apothecary bottle depicts the Great Seal of the United States and an oval reserve featuring a sailing vessel, swallow and a rose within an inscription (Est: $15,000-25,000).

Another family sold a house on Bernard’s Mountain in central New Jersey. From their house came a terrific collection of Oriental rugs and period furniture. Regency bookcases, Art Nouveau and Deco cabinets and complement the French pieces. Of note, is the life size carved marble statue of a kneeling Diana. On the dark green pedestal she stands nearly seven feet tall.
A turtleback patinated bronze Greek vase table lamp (Est.: $25,000-35,000) is another highlight from this family. They are also selling another patinated bronze table lamp with the Whirling Leaves glass shade. In the manner of Frank Lloyd Wright, an early 20th century leaded-glass ceiling fixture, previously in a Christie’s auction, made by Giannini and Hilgart is a stunning example of Arts and Crafts lighting.
From a variety of consignors come numerous works of fine art. For example, a private New Orleans, Louisiana collector is selling a large format, apparently unsigned, still life (Est.: $10,000-15,000) by the German born, American painter Severin Roesen (1815-1872). The consignor’s grandparents traveled by train from Columbus, Georgia to New York to buy art for their new home that was designed by Classicist architect, J. Neel Reid. In the 1930’s the officers of Fort Benning were entertained in their home that included Major and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, General and Mrs. Patton and General and Mrs. George C. Marshall, who frequently stayed at the house when in town. A group of eight erotic paintings from a New Jersey family may be one of the largest groups of Stephen Bagnell (American, 1930-1996) oil on boards ever offered at one time. The two works by Stephen Kaufman (1926-2008) were commissioned by the consignor’s father, a personal friend. A large portrait by French painter Antoinette Haudebourt-Lescot (1784-1845) depicts a seated, educated woman staring out at the viewer, with book in hand. An oil on board of a Black Sharecropper by William Aiken Walker, (1838-1921), has an amazing human interest story, in that the African American consignor told us how she picked cotton as a child in North Carolina. The painting was put away in her Newark attic by an ancestor and recently “found” as she prepares to move.
Numerous sculptures in the auction include a Rodin bronze figure of a hand. A horse and rider is by P.J. Mene (French, 1810-1879), a cast bust of a woman is marked Garnier (French, 1853-1910), and several other works of realism as well. There is also an abstract sculpture by Argentine artist Alicia Penalba (1913-1982), titled “Grende Orolirio” and another by Antoine Poncet (Swiss, 1928- ), called “Forme Confiante”. The sterling silver includes a large water pitcher (Est: $10,000-15,000) and a three-piece tea service by Italian silversmith Buccellati. Other works by Gorham, Tiffany and Nirosta, a Russian manufacturer.
There are numerous pieces of Chinese hollowware and porcelain plaques from the 19th and 20th centuries. Another collection comprises approximately three dozen 18th and 19th century English ceramic cow creamers.
In early 2010, Nye and Company relocated to Bloomfield, New Jersey making them more easily accessible to New York City. The location, moments off major interstate arties (Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike, Routes 80, 280, 287) and State Routes 3, 46 and 23, is easily found by the large-format banners on the façade. ZFor further information, contact: John B. A. Nye Nye and Company Auctioneers / Appraisers 20 Beach Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 p: (973) 984-6900 / f: (973) 743-0493/ john@nyeandcompany.com, www.nyeandcompany.com
Nye & Company offers free auction appraisals every Monday from 10 AM – 2 PM and a full complement of contract appraisal work for estate, insurance, fair market value and equitable distribution. Please call 973-984-6900 during business hours for more information.