Paul Brown, star of TV's hit show Auction Kings, is available for guest appearances

  • ATLANTA, Georgia
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  • August 29, 2013

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Paul Brown is the owner of the Gallery 63 auction house and star of TV's Auction Kings.
Gallery 63

 (ATLANTA, Ga.) – Antique show and fair promoters looking to boost attendance at their next event might want to consider booking Paul Brown, the star of The Discovery Channel’s hit TV show Auction Kings. Brown has made about a half-dozen appearances at such shows since Auction Kings first began airing in May of 2010, and he found the experiences to be exhilarating.

“I never thought of myself as a celebrity, but the show has elevated my profile and I was approached by some show promoters to appear and meet the public, have photos taken, give informal analysis and appraisal of items and just mix it up with folks in an industry that I love and they love, too,” Brown said. “I’d like to do more of them. They were thoroughly enjoyable.”

Brown, the owner of Gallery 63 in Atlanta, where Auction Kings is filmed, was little known outside the greater Atlanta area prior to the show. But no more. He’s recognized now all the time, and not just in his home town. “The power of television is incredible,” he said. “My business has tripled since Auction Kings came on the air. It’s been a real roller coaster ride.”

Even the average price per lot has increased – by a whopping 45 percent – since the show went on the air, simply because of Brown's star power and the intoxicating effect TV must have on bidders. In fact, Brown would be a good fit, too, for auction houses, just like his Gallery 63. Anyone would like to see a 45 percent spike in gross sales.

Brown's star power could easily translate into a successful show or auction for promoters seeking that something extra to draw crowds. Historically, events that feature industry experts, authors, appraisers, or film and TV stars have done better business than shows that didn’t feature anyone of note. The booking fees are usually more than offset by a spike in admission revenues.

Brown’s high-energy style and playful demeanor are the very qualities that would make him a hit with show-goers. They’ve been honed over the course of years, warming up crowds first at Red Baron (when he worked for his father, Bob Brown) and later on at Gallery 63 (which he started in 2005). He has an infectious smile and a slightly mischievous way that people like.

At least it has played well to viewing audiences since Auction Kings began its 3 ½ year run. On its website, The Discovery Channel says the show “delves into the world of unique items – from vampire-killing kits to meteorites to jewel-encrusted pencils – and the emotional process of their acquisition and loss.” It’s made TV stars and celebrities out of Brown and his loyal staff.

But Brown is the undisputed star of the show. Remarkably, it’s a gig that almost didn’t happen. When Discovery first called him, to see if he’d be interested in the project, he thought it was a crank call. “People come at me all the time, with all kinds of pitches,” he said. “I cut them short and told them I wasn’t interested.” Luckily for him, Discovery wasn’t so easily spurned.

A week later, the network phoned again, this time convincing Brown they were serious about featuring him and Gallery 63 in a reality show. Auction Kings follows Brown and his staff as they interact with consignors and customers and explore the wondrous treasures that turn up at the gallery. It has been one of the more popular of the many antiques-related reality TV shows.

Paul Brown may have been born into the antiquing business, but he didn’t embrace it early on. He studied literature, earned a bachelor’s degree in English and enrolled in graduate school, seemingly on a path to writing, teaching and academia. But as he matured, so did his appreciation of the family business, and in 1989 he went to work for his father at Red Baron’s.

Because of his earlier studies, Brown was initially drawn to the academic component of the antiques business. He immersed himself in the catalogs of auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s, learning the language of the industry. Armed with that, he was able to bring Red Baron’s catalogs up to a higher standard. He also handled research, advertising and promotion.

Largely through his efforts, Red Baron’s enjoyed enormous success throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. But in 2005, Brown got the itch to branch out on his own, which he did by taking over Gallery 63 in Sandy Springs, a suburb just north of Atlanta (and not too far from Red Baron’s). Business was good, until The Discovery Channel came a-knocking, Then it exploded.

As Discovery described his operation, “Paul manages his feisty staff, eager buyers and rare items like a circus under the big top. The bidders and sellers come from all walks of life, looking to make money, buy a unique piece or simply enjoy the excitement of winning. When bidding starts, the gloves come off and it’s every buyer for himself.” In short – it’s an auction.

Now, Paul Brown is offering his style, his wit, his wisdom and his star power to the show promoters and auction houses of America who want an established headliner for their next event. “I’ve been meeting and greeting the public and working with ground-level dealers for years,” he said. “The only difference is, now I’m a celebrity, thanks to the huge success of Auction Kings.”

Anyone interested in having Paul Brown appear at their upcoming auction, show or fair may contact him via e-mail at For more information about Gallery 63, you may log on to For more information about The Discovery Channel’s hit television series Auction Kings, you may log on to

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Gallery 63
4577 Roswell Road
Atlanta, Georgia
(404) 252-2555

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