Ellis Boston Antiques Show October 24-27, 2013 - Special Guests and Programs Announced
- BOSTON, Massachusetts
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- August 24, 2013

The third annual Ellis Boston Antiques Show takes place October 24-27, 2013 at The Cyclorama at the Boston Center for The Arts in Boston’s South End. The show opens with a Gala Preview presented by BNY Mellon Wealth Management on Thursday, October 24 to benefit Ellis Memorial, Boston's first settlement house. Weekend show hours are Friday October 19 from 1-8pm, Saturday October 20 from 11am-8pm, and Sunday October 21, from 11am-5pm. Admission is $15 (under 12 free) and includes admission to all special programs. For information, visit the show's website at www.EllisBoston.com or call 617-363-0405.
The show features 40 exhibitors of the highest quality, and the range of offerings at the show has also been diversified and expanded to include an array of antiques, jewelry and decorative arts from Greek and Roman antiquities right up to mid-20th Century design. Strong representation by some of the finest dealers in American art rounds out the offerings.
Friday October 25, 6:00pm – "Unexpected Treasures from Marblehead"
Judy Anderson of Marblehead Architectural Heritage, author of Glorious Splendor - 18th Century Wallpapers in the Jeremiah Lee Mansion. Prior to Independence, Marblehead was the second-largest town in Massachusetts. Half the houses from those years still stand, and their compelling family stories encompass splendor, intrigue, and tragedy. Fine and decorative arts were produced for a wealthy clientele of merchants. This talk will showcase portraits by John Singleton Copley (1764 - 1769) and Joseph Badger ( c. 1707 - 1765), and 18th-century furniture by five known cabinet-makers (1720s to 80s). Later eras will embrace engaging 1920s folk art and Marblehead’s celebrated art pottery. A book signing will follow.
Saturday October 26, 3:00pm – Panel - "From Past to Present - Demystifying the Historic Home Renovation Process"
Whether you’re contemplating purchasing a historic property or you a long-time owner, historic renovations present many challenges. It’s important know how you can seamlessly blend the old with the new and confidently tackle your project. Moderated by Gail Ravgiala, editor of Design New England magazine, this panel includes Doug Hanna, President, and Dan McLaughlin, Project Manager, S+H Construction, Inc.; Charlie Myer, Principal Architect, Charles Myer + Partners; and Bruce Irving, renovation consultant and former producer of This Old House. Sponsored by S+H Construction and Design New England.

Sunday October 27, 2:00pm – Special Guest - "Cohler on Design"
New York-based interior designer Eric Cohler, author of the book by the same title. Dubbed “The Mixmaster” for his ability to blend high- and low-end pieces to create rooms that are simultaneously fresh and classic, Eric Cohler’s interior design is always a tribute to individual personality and style. Full of accessible tips and tricks, Cohler encourages his clients to be true to themselves, revel in what makes them happy, and surround themselves with objects and art that reflect that joy. A book signing will follow.
New England Historic Genealogical Society, “Family Treasures from Early Massachusetts” Located at 99-101 Newbury Street, NEHGS has been collecting, preserving and making accessible family and local history materials since 1845. The rare fine art and furniture pieces shown in their special loan exhibit represent highlights from their national collections.
Saturday, October 26, 2:00pm - Jerry Ritch, J & M Antiques - “American 19th Century Lighting” as featured in the book Homes of the Presidents by Bill Harris.

Sunday, October 27, 1:00pm - Bob Frishman, Bell-Time Clocks - “The Long & Short of Grandfather Clocks”
Sunday, October 27, 2:00-3:30pm – Boston’s South End – Presented by Boston By Foot. Separately ticketed, free show admission after the walking tour. For details, visit www.bostonbyfoot.org/tours/South_End
"We are thrilled with the range and diversity of the special programs and exhibits at the show this year," comments co-producer Tony Fusco. “Many people come back all three days to hear our special guest speakers."
Fusco & Four produces two other successful shows each year at The Cyclorama: The Boston International Fine Art Show, which will have its 17th anniversary November 21-24, 2013 (www.FineArtBoston.com), and AD20/21: Art & Design of the 20th & 21st Centuries, which includes the Boston Print Fair, and which will hold its seventh annual show March 27-30, 2014 (www.AD2021.com). For information on all three shows produced by Fusco & Four, visit www.BostonArtFairs.com.
Tony FuscoFusco & Four