Artist Lights Up Against COVID. It Was MARCH! 2020
- NEW YORK, New York
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- September 09, 2020

OnTheFringeNYC ( | 72 Warren St. Gallery presents “ConTempo 2020 NYC INNOVATIONS” a solo exhibition of lucent mixed media works by Michael Victor ▪ MVR, a New York artist. Exhibition dates are September 18-30, 2020. Open Tuesday–Sunday 12pm-8pm and by appointment, the Exhibition is viewable from storefront window at all hours. Videos of current & upcoming works are projected large onto back wall nightly until 12am.
TEMPO 2020 INNOVATIONS March thru Sept. 2
March 6 #LSCP #SheroesNY Series
This exhibit started as 2-week engagement to show MVR’s extra-large #LSCP (Landscape) Pastels. Chief among them was the 2019 triptych titled The Landscape of 21C Lady Liberty, which laid the groundwork for related works to establish his #ShereosNY Series. Themes are such women’s issues as domestic violence, MeToo and the long-awaited Equal Rights Amendment.
In describing What Don’t You Understand About No! (right), MVR wrote, ‘MeToo drove home the sheer bravery and mettle of women, individually and collectively, that brought hard-fought, long-overdue change in workplaces globally. All marks of heroism in act and results.”
March 13-15 #SheroesNY Backlit Canvas LED LIBERTY (3) & ERA-4 Now
During the weekend of NYC’s Covid-19 Lockdown, MVR advanced 4 SheroesNY works by backlighting the archival canvas print of each -- eventually with LED color strips. He developed a 5th work, Now We Are All United MARCH! 2020, to express the global ascent of Covid-19 and mark the unforgettable Spring 2020. He fine-tuned each graphically to 16 distinct RGB colors at their brightest. Pinpointing nuanced changes by illuminated light on original pastel color became subject of serious artistic focus throughout Spring 2020. The results are stronger artworks on the canvases themselves, and gaining 16+ distinct artworks through each translucent canvas color.
April-May Down Lit LED Color on #LSCP Catalogue Works
MVR saw that down lit LED colors on #LSCP Pastels on paper have similar provocative, stirring effects, their protective Plexiglas adding diffuse ‘sfumato’ effect on the LED light rays. Natural features – sky, trees, water, stars -- within the works become animated by simple transitions in LED color, similar to what transpires in real landscapes. Given that ‘mood’ of real or painted landscapes -- owing to varying light conditions --is always changing, LED color pushes the limit of dramatic mood shifts on artistic works.
When down lit colors are combined with LED backlit canvases, the gallery becomes a kaleidoscope of dynamic yet harmonious color, when random or set more uniform. These night views raise the question: why limit art and appreciation of it solely to daytime hours and brightly lit interiors of museums and galleries? Given that half our lives are spent in, or alongside, darkness of night?
July 4, 2020 #Zo-omBox NY
Zo-omBox NY projects videos of upcoming works. MVR saw his ‘pxims’ project to 9’ high with startling success. Exhibit visitors can look in storefront windows and see videos safely while practicing social distancing from the spacious streetscape along Warren St. Access to the gallery is very easy on foot, by bike path, car, and subway.
All artworks in the exhibit are available for sale. To help with the pandemic MVR and Fringe Owner, Afrim Jashiri, agreed to donate 15% of sales to NYC Hospital Covid-19 Relief Fund. Says MVR, “I thank Afrim for his support and the opportunity to exhibit here. The space in essence became my exhibition laboratory’ during the first 6 months of the pandemic.”
Exhibition Series are organized by keywords in Google Search Images and by hashtags on Instagram @mvr_xlworks, FB @mvr.xlworks, and
About Artist Michael Victor ▪ MVR
Landscape Architect & pxImpressionist Artist
MVR developed as a Painter and Pastel Artist during a long career as a Landscape Architect. Keyword links below are to marquee Lower Manhattan projects he led nearby 72 Warren. The two creative disciplines that very naturally went hand-in-hand eventually merged. The result is the ‘▪XL Process’ that create his ▪XL Works on exhibit inside gallery windows.
XL Process: By-Hand microscopic pxIm-pressions are refined by #pxPaint, magnified, and brought to light of day on ‘Zo-om’ Print media, then hand-finished. More at aka On video: FBIG Shorts 2020 Vimeo . “With Covid, the power of what we can’t see readily (like pxims) is undeniable. With Spring 2020 works, I felt like I was fighting fire with fire.”
Gallery owner says, ‘MVR is a creative powerhouse who we are proud to partner with. Over the past 6 months we witnessed meticulous advances of #SheroesNY works, and the physical transformation of the 72 Warren Gallery -- at the very core of our mission. We contribute to NYC Arts to foster innovation; MVR embodies it."
About On The Fringe NYC | 72 Warren St. Gallery
72 Warren is a storefront space that, at first, might seem off the beaten path, but it brings together creativity and art to levels that transform time and place. A space for creative professionals to have Art Exhibitions, Curated Retail events, Book Launches, Private Meetings and the like, the team at 72 Warren finds that “creativity begets creativity.” Comprised of artists, curators, stylists, and building tradesmen, Mr. Jashari’s team has placed art and retail clients in short-term spaces in Manhattan and Chicago since 2008.
‘Peter Minuit Landscape’ ‘9A NYC Landscape’
Download PDF Contempo 2020 NYC Innovations
Michael Victor MVR RuggieroMVR Art | 72 Warren St. Gallery
72 Warren St
New York, New York