Record Price for North Carolina Artist Maud Gatewood at Auction

  • ASHEVILLE, North Carolina
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  • March 21, 2016

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Blues by Maud Gatewood, pictured without frame
Brunk Auctions

Over the weekend of March 18, 2016, Brunk Auctions sold a painting entitled Blues, by Maud Florance Gatewood, and set a record price for the artist.

The previous record at auction for the artist, teacher, and activist was $21,850 set in 2011. This price was surpassed during the March 18-19 auction at Brunk Auctions after rigorous bidding in-person, over the phones, on Bidsquare, and by absentia. When the dust settled, a private bidder purchased the lot for $28,320.


The 1986 acrylic on canvas was consigned from a Private North Carolina Collection and measured in at 40 x 36 inches.


Maud Gatewood was born in North Carolina in 1934, received her undergraduate degree from Woman’s College of North Carolina (Now UNC Greensboro), received a Fulbright Scholarship and studied abroad, and died in North Carolina in 2004. Her works were exhibited across the country. She preferred to be called a “painter” because of the negative connotation with “con artists”.

Aaron Edwards
Brunk Auctions
(828) 254-6846

Brunk Auctions
PO Box 2135
Asheville, North Carolina
(828) 254-6846
About Brunk Auctions

Founded by Robert Brunk in 1983, the auctions became well known for their integrity and professionalism. Bob brought to bear his experience as an anthropologist, writer and professional woodworker, an unmistakable combination of skills that continue to illuminate catalog entries and elucidate auction-goers. Bob is now a valued consultant and continues as auctioneer. Andrew Brunk joined his father in 2005. His curatorial experience has brought additional focus on research and connoisseurship. His experience as the head of the American furniture department at one of the world’s largest auction houses has allowed us to continually align ourselves with the best in the business – in terms of expertise and exceptional client service.

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