Solo Exhibition for Aboriginal Artist Kitty Napanangka Simon
- NEW YORK, New York
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- August 05, 2015

The recently established New York based Australian Aboriginal art gallery, Pollon Art, is making their debut into the US art market with a solo exhibition of Aboriginal artist, Kitty Napanganka Simon (b1948), a senior Warlpiri woman from the Lajamanu community, Northern Territory, Australia.
The exhibition, Only Women Dance Till Dawn, focuses on the sacred Women’s site of Mina Mina, near Lake MacKay, Western Australia. Simon is one of Mina Mina’s senior custodians and a keeper of Women’s Law for this remote and isolated desert landscape. The site was was created by the Karntakurlangu, a large group of ancestral women who danced across the vast salt plains feeding on its wild fruit - bush bananas and native plums. The rhythm of their dancing vibrated through the landscape creating the undulating sand hills, watercourses and claypans.
Simon uses a mixture of line work, which comes from body art and ceremony, and intricate dot work to signify the lace-like salt crusts that cover the lake. Bright merges of color are wild bush fruit, desert flowers and sand hills that surround this landscape.
Simon’s paintings may appear to be abstract in their aesthetic, however it would be hard to conceive of more descriptive visual articulations of her homeland Country. Painted over the last 12 months, this is the first time Simon has been exhibited in the US.
Dates: Jul 24- Aug 16 2015
Floor talk: August 15, 3pm
Address: L1, 56 Bogart St, Brooklyn
Chasm Gallery space
Hours: Thurs-Sun, 1pm-6pm
Miriam GrundyPollon Art
518 East 11th St
Pollon Art, New York
About Pollon Art
Founded in 2015 by Sydney expat Miriam Grundy, Pollon Art aims to increase the presence and further the discourse for Australian contemporary Indigenous art in the United States. Prior to this project, Grundy worked under some of the most prominent art dealers in Australia, including Tim Olsen, Tim Goodman and Adrian Newstead.