150+ Artists and Billboard Locations Announced As Part of The Largest Public Art Project in U.S. History
- NEW YORK, New York
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- October 19, 2018

Artist-Led Campaign "50 State Initiative" Inspires Nationwide Civic Engagement Around Midterm Elections with Powerful Network and Daily Activations
For Freedoms, a collective of artists, institutions, organizations, and people across the country who are experimenting with new and innovative pathways to civic participation, announced the locations and artists for over 150 billboards as part of the 50 State Initiative, the largest public art project in U.S. history. Billboards are now on view in all fifty states, with more going up weekly. Full list below.

With less than a month until the November 6 midterm elections, the artist billboards join the For Freedoms collaboration between over 300 artists and 200 museums, universities, and cultural centers in critical daily activations across the nation. Free and open to the public, these artworks and events include artist-designed billboards, exhibitions, lawn signs, and local community dialogues in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Visit forfreedoms.org to find upcoming events in your city and state.

“One major problem we confront is the binary nature of arguments on political issues. We are not for or against. We are for everything in between,” says Mark Skidmore, For Freedoms Political Advisor. “For Freedoms is trying to grapple with the problem of exclusion and exclusivity. We believe art is a civic catalyst. That means we are welcoming, inclusive, and open to all, and believe everyone should have an equal seat at the table.”
Justin Brice Guariglia, We Are The Asteroid
The Anchorage Museum, 625 C St, Anchorage
Eric Gottesman, The American Way
380 Arba St, Montgomery
Jim Ricks, In Search Of The Truth
Location Pending, Montgomery
JR, Migrants, Mayra, Picnic across the border, Tecate, Mexico - U.S.A., 2017
I-10 & Vicksburg Rd, Phoenix
Richard Mosse, Incoming
Location Pending, Phoenix
Marilyn Minter, SAD
US 70 & N Alexander Rd, Little Rock
Mike Mandel and Larry Sultan, Whose News
10825 Kanis Rd A, Little Rock
Zoë Buckman, Inaction is Apathy
S Walton Blvd & SW 12th St, Bentonville
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Hank Willis Thomas, Cotton Bowl
Third Street and Caesar Chavez, San Francisco
In Collaboration With Imprint City
Paula Crown, Hurt People Hurt People
Crenshaw Blvd & W 59th Pl, Los Angeles
Rashid Johnson, Untitled Anxious Men
Undefeated, S La Brea Ave & W 1st St, Los Angeles
William Scott, Untitled
Third Street and Caesar Chavez, Bayview
In Collaboration With Imprint City
Susan Meiselas, 2:00 a.m. Arrest and documentation of twelve-year-old boy, Imperial Beach, CA, 1989
Federal Blvd & W Irving Pl, Denver
Mequitta Ahuja, LOOP
Location Pending, Hartford
Trevor Paglen, Nov 6
US-6 & Pope Park Hwy, Hartford
Deborah Kass, Vote! Your Life Depends On It
I-95 North, 1m North of Chapel, Wilmington
Courtesy of the Artist and pulp, ink
Ken Gonzales Day, Untitled, 2011, Featuring Bust of A Young Man, Antico (Pier Jacopo Alari-Bonacolsi), and Bust of a Man, Francis Harwood
Old Airport Rd & Delaware Turnpike, Wilmington
Ronald Rael & Virginia San Fratello, Reunite
I-95 North, 1m North of Chapel, Wilmington
Edgar Arceneaux, Hopelessness Freeze Time
Cook Hall at the American University, Washington
Zoë Buckman and Natalie Frank, Untitled
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th St NW, Washington
Carrie Mae Weems, To Dream
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art at Florida State University, Sarasota
Derrick Adams, Ode to Bayard Rustin
NW 79th St & NW 5th Ave, Miami
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Jamila El Sahili, I Love You
University of Central Florida, Orlando
Shaun Leonardo, Trayvon Martin
W Tennessee St & Aster Lake Blvd, Tallahassee
Stuart Sheldon, The Best Words
Florida International University, Miami
Awol Erizku, Make America Panther Again
I-85 & E 10th St, Atlanta
Imaikalini Kalahele and Cory Taum, Ula Leo
32 N Hotel St, Honolulu
In Collaboration With Axis Chinatown
Emily Hanako Momohara, Family Incarceration: Never Again is Now
HWY 20 & E Gowen Rd, Boise
Cheryl Pope, Lines Can't Be Drawn In The Middle
University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago
Katherine Gilmore, They Call Us A Storm
Location Pending, Decatur
Paula Crown, Thoughts & Prayers
W Jackson Blvd & S Jefferson St, Chicago
E Illinois S & N State S, Chicago
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Tomashi Jackson, Alteronce in Hannah (Oliver Brown, et al. v. Board of Education of Topeka, et al.)
Illinois State University, Normal
Wendy Ewald, Christian
W Eldorado St & N Fairview Ave, Decatur
Alfredo Jaar, A Logo For America
Location Pending, Gary
Jesse Williams, That’s All Folks!
US-36 & N Post Rd, Indianapolis
Theaster Gates, Where Black Power Lives
Indiana Toll Rd & Calumet Ave, Gary
Kambui Olujimi, Consensus of Silence
3801 Merle Hay Rd, Des Moines
For Freedoms, Four Freedoms
IA-28 & SW Leland Ave, Des Moines
Jeremy Dean, Hummer Stagecoach
Hwy 35 & Terrace St, Kansas City
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Jeremy Dean, InDivisible
Hwy 35 & Terrace St, Kansas City
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
For Freedoms, Four Freedoms
KS-4 & SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka
Donald Moffett, Think Science
New Circle Rd & Georgetown St, Lexington
Ebony G. Patterson, untitled ( ...he was 12)
167 W. Main Street, Lexington
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Courtesy of the Artist and Monique Meloche Gallery
Titus Kaphar, Behind the Myth of Benevolence
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Expy & Preston Hwy, Louisville
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
For Freedoms, Four Freedoms
Hwy 90 & Seven Oaks Blvd, New Orleans
Christopher Myers, Mayflowers
Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockland
SPACE Gallery, Portland
Maine College of Art, Portland
Demian DinéYazhi’, PROMISE ME YOU WON'T COLONIZE ME (mars), 2014
SPACE Gallery, Portland
Adam Pendleton, Midnight (A Victim of American Democracy)
Location Pending, Baltimore
In collaboration with the Baltimore Museum of Art
Steve Locke, Three Deliberate Grays for Freddie (A Memorial for Freddie Gray)
Location Pending, Baltimore
Shinique Smith, Portrait of Shinique as a Bundle on Rodeo Beach (3 months before Cosco oil spill), 2007
Coppin State University, Baltimore
Natalie White, Equal Means Equal
Mt Savage Rd NW & Homewood St NW, Cumberland
David Birkin and Mariam Ghani, System Failure
Location Pending, Boston
Lorraine O'Grady, Come out, come out, wherever you are
I-91 & Plainfield St, Springfield
Peter van Agtmael, Disco Disco 123
MA-24 S 1.5m S of W Chestnut, Brockton
Jamila El Sahili, Human Being
Lansing Rd & Pinch Hwy, Lansing
Sam Durant, Poder
Cass & Amsterdam NW, Detroit
Michael Rakowitz, Ahlan Wa Sahlan
I-94 & Co Rd 186, St Paul
Jessica Ingram, Vote for Vernon Dahmer, 2018
Hwy 220 & Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson
Christine Sun Kim, Words Shape Reality
Hwy 54 & Jefferson Rd, Jefferson City
Derrick Adams, Ode to Bayard Rustin
I-44 110 ft east of Cass Avenue SS, St.Louis
In Collaboration With Projects+Gallery
Hank Willis Thomas, All Li es Matter
1200 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, St Charles
In Collaboration With Projects+Gallery
In Collaboration With Projects+Gallery
Fred Tomaselli, I’ve Fallen
Hwy 15 & Pinecrest Rd, Helena
Jim Goldberg, It’s Mourning In America
Cornhusker Hwy & N 48th St, Lincoln
Cristina Velazquez, No Soy Tu Mamacita
W Charleston Blvd & S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas
Paola Mendoza and Kisha Bari, I Am A Child
N Main St & Ten Rod Rd, Rochester
Wangechi Mutu, Africa’s Out!
US Hwy 1 & Muirhead Ave, Trenton
William Scott and David Byrne, Untitled
Bloomfield Ave & N 12th St, Newark
Demian DinéYazhi’, PROMISE ME YOU WON'T COLONIZE ME (mars), 2014
Location Pending, Las Cruces
Richard Misrach, Romans 13:10
CanAM Hwy & El Suspiro Ct, Las Cruces
Carrie Mae Weems, Democracy Hangs in the Balance
E Brighton Ave & Ainsley Dr, Syracuse
In Collaboration With Lightwork
Eric Gottesman, Where Do We Go From Here?
E Brighton Ave & Ainsley Dr, Syracuse
In Collaboration With Lightwork
Hank Willis Thomas, They Are Us
E Brighton Ave & Ainsley Dr, Syracuse
In Collaboration With Lightwork
Hank Willis Thomas, Us Is Them
E Brighton Ave & Ainsley Dr, Syracuse
In Collaboration With Lightwork
Suzanne Lacy & Anna Ayeroff, ONE/US
Crosstown Connection & Albany St, Albany
Photograph from The Circle and the Square, Suzanne Lacy, 2016, photo by Susan Guzman
Zoe Buckman, Grab Em By The Ballots
E Brighton Ave & Ainsley Dr, Syracuse
In Collaboration With Lightwork
I-95 & Red Oak Brattleboro Rd, Raleigh
Muna Malik, Exodus 22:21
University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte
Stacey L. Kirby, Yo Soy Válida
Durham Fwy & Ellis Rd, Durham
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Travis Somerville, Nevermind, 2016
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro
Prune Nourry, << River Man >>
Rotating through several digital billboards across Fargo
Emily Hanako Momohara, Child Imprisonment: Never Again is Now
I-75 & Vine St, Cincinnati
Michelangelo Lovelace, Glory
Dublin Rd & Grandview Ave, Columbus
Guerrilla Girls, Dear Boss, No Wonder You Don’t Pay Us A Living Wage
US 77 & NW 59th St, Oklahoma City
Justin Brice Guariglia, We Are The Asteroid
I-40 & S May Ave, Oklahoma City
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Carrie Mae Weems, To Dream
Portland Art Museum, Portland
Emily Jacir, Translate Allah
Lancaster Dr SE & State St, Salem
Trevor Paglen, Nov 6
Portland Art Museum, Portland
Anonymous, Me Pardon Me
I-95 & Linden Ave, Philadelphia
Anonymous, Pardon Me
I-95 & Linden Ave, Philadelphia
Jon Rubin, They All Look Alike
Location Pending, Harrisburg
Mitch Epstein, The Common Air
I-83 & S Front St, Harrisburg
Esteban Valdés, Untitled
Location Pending, San Juan
La Puerta Bandera, Todo Se Pudre En El Vagón De La Colonia
Location Pending, San Juan
Miguel Luciano, Untitled
Location Pending, San Juan
Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Not Spaceship Earth
I-95 & Concord St, Providence
Dustin Yellin, HERE COMES THE SEA...Anthropogenic Climate Change and the future of our species
St Andrews Rd & Piney Grove Rd, Columbia
Tunkasila, We Are All Related
I-90 & Sidney Stage Rd, Rapid City
Xaviera Simmons, Freedom Is Not Guaranteed
8th Ave NE & N Roosevelt St, Aberdeen
Ahron Weiner, Buttheads
8th Street, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville
Hank Willis Thomas, Love Over Rules
I-24 & Cowan St, Nashville
In Collaboration With 21c Museum Hotels
Sadie Barnette, Some Space
Gallatin Pike S & E Due W Ave, Nashville
Alfredo Jaar, Es Usted Feliz
N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd & Sonterra Blvd, Austin
Richard Renaldi, Who Are We
S Shurtz Canyon Dr, Cedar City
Luis Jacob, Land Acknowledgement
Vermont College of Fine Arts
East State and West Streets
Joy Sela, We Mirror
George Mason University, Fairfax
Derek Eley, Enter The Fray
Location Pending, Norfolk
In Collaboration with Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
GRAN FURY, Welcome To America
Location Pending, Norfolk
In Collaboration with Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
Harrell Fletcher, It’s Time To Read Orwell Again
Location Pending, Portsmouth
In Collaboration with Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
Jim Goldberg, Everywhere You Look You See Yourself
Location Pending, Chesapeake
In Collaboration with Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
Teens With A Purpose, Untitled
Location Pending, Norfolk
In Collaboration with Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
Equal Justice Initiative, Presence of Justice
I-95 & Bellemeade Rd, Richmond
Wyatt Gallery, An Expensive Hoax
Martin Way E & Chehalis Western Trail, Olympia
Sanford Biggers, Just Us
MacCorkle Ave SE & West Virginia Turnpike, Charleston
Gordon Parks, I Am You
Beltline Hwy & Marsh Rd, Madison
Paula Crown, Thoughts & Prayers
Interstate 80 Service Rd & E Pershing Blvd,
Aida Muluneh, The American Dream
Alfredo Jaar, Teach Us
Anonymous, This Is A Fork
Bayeté Ross Smith, Untitled
Carlos Motta, Untitled
Cassils, Untitled
Charlotte Woolf, Don’t Tell Her Who To Be
Community Design at Suny Purchase, Believe Me
Community Design at Suny Purchase, Rights Gone Wrong
Deb Willis, Reflections On Our Freedoms
Dread Scott, Untitled
Jon Santos, The End Of The World
José Parlá, "Equality in Peace" Igualdad en Paz
Karen Ishizuka, You Are Here
Mariam Ghani, You say we are but dust…
Michelle Angela Ortiz, Familias Separadas
Mitch Epstein, Disobedience
Steve Lambert, The NRA Loves You
Wesaam Al Badry, We Didn’t Want War
Zoë Buckman, Jemima
For Freedoms is a collective for creative citizenship founded by Creative Capital artist Eric Gottesman and 2018 Guggenheim Fellow Hank Willis Thomas. It is a collaboration between artists, arts institutions, and active citizens who experiment with and produce new forms of civic action. It believes in—and advocates for—creativity as a civic right, participation as a civic duty, and deeper discourse as a catalyst of civic change. And it welcomes all.
For Freedoms started in 2016 as a platform for civic engagement, discourse, and direct action for artists in the United States. Inspired by Norman Rockwell’s 1943 paintings of the four universal freedoms articulated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941—freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear—For Freedoms seeks to use art to deepen public discussions of civic issues and core values, and to clarify that citizenship in American society is deepened by participation, not by ideology. For Freedoms is part of a rich history of artists employing means of mass communication to provoke political discourse. For Freedoms believes art, and artists, play an important role in galvanizing our society towards a more representative and transparent government.