ArtfixDaily Artwire™ RSS THOUSANDS ATTEND THE PALM BEACH JEWELRY, ART & ANTIQUE SHOW'S OPENING DAY PALM BEACH, Florida / February 15, 2010 Tweet Email Email Content Your Name Your Email Address Recipient's Email AddressSeparate email addresses with commas. You may provide up to 30 emails at a time. Subject Line MessageYou can provide a custom message that will preface the content in the email Please provide verification code × Subscribe to our daily newsletter Subscribe Email is invalid Grandma Moses, Quiet Day, 1951, sold by Owen Gallery. ( Tags: American art American furniture antiquities art nouveau - art deco ceramics european art folk art glass jewelry & watches sculpture Tweet Email Email Content Your Name Your Email Address Recipient's Email AddressSeparate email addresses with commas. You may provide up to 30 emails at a time. Subject Line MessageYou can provide a custom message that will preface the content in the email Please provide verification code