Featured 19th Century Painter: Warren C. Briggs (1867 – 1903)
- July 05, 2021 09:23
Warren C. Briggs was a 19th Century artist noted for his paintings of renderings of rustic barnyard scenes often populated with chickens and roosters and for detailed landscape works. The above painting, “After a Shower, Sutton, Vermont” illustrates his command of portraying light effects—capturing a break in the dense, dark forest interior allowing illumination of mountain stream, briskly flowing after a rainfall. 19th century artist Warren Briggs exhibited widely--the Boston Art Club, Brooklyn Art Association (New York), National Academy of Design (New York) and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia). He is listed in Davenport’s Art References (2005); Who was Who in American Art, 1564-1975 (Falk, 1999), National Academy of Design Exhibition Record 1861-1900 (Naylor, 1973) and Index of Artists (Mallet, 1935).
Call now to talk about your interest in this Warren C. Briggs (1867 – 1903) painting: 724-459-0612 - Jerry Hawk, Bedford Fine Art Gallery