Woman Dancing With Basquiat Tulips - 2017
- July 09, 2020 06:01
LINE ART is a "lost art" and ever since
I came upon the iconic line interpretations
of PICASSO and MATISSE at the age of 12,
creating them has been a fascinating journey
that continues to EVOLVE. In this artwork,
a woman is joyously dancing, she is expressed
in rounded voluptous expressionistic lines and
juxtaposing, the tulips are pure neoexpressionism,
a nod to JEAN MICHEL BASQUIAT. Female nudes
remain to be a MAJOR SUBJECT because she
is a source of endless INTRIGUE. I create line art
several times, every week. Some are unveiled
while other are just for my own amusement.
Some become inspired inspiration for an artwork
that is much more involved. I NEVER KNOW. - mk/artist