Featured 19th Century Painter: Thomas Henry Hope (English-American 1832 – 1926)
- July 05, 2021 07:08
Thomas Henry Hope, known as a skilled trompe l’oeil still-life artist, was born in England in 1832. It wasn’t until 1864 that he immigrated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with his wife and infant daughter. He was not a full-time artist at this time, as it is known that he graduated from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in 1881, some seventeen years after his arrival in Philadelphia. His classmates at the Academy included American trompe l’oeil artists William Harnett and John F. Peto, the latter of which may be a relative of Hope’s. Although best known for wonderfully executed tromp l’oeil still-lifes, he was also a skilled portraitist and landscapist. In addition to art, Hope was a trained musician, who played the coronet, as did Peto. In 1916 artist Thomas Henry Hope moved to Devon, Connecticut, where he taught music at the South Norwalk Philharmonic Society. He continued to paint and exhibited at local shows. His other exhibitions include the National Academy of Design.
Call now to talk about your interest in this Thomas Henry Hope (English-American 1832 – 1926) painting: 724-459-0612 - Jerry Hawk, Bedford Fine Art Gallery