Fine Art Daily - December 7 2010
- December 07, 2010 04:49
December 7, 2010
Remember Pearl Harbor.
And I do not want to hear one single joke today about global warming.
Bundle up all you delicate, hot house Floridians!
This is a hat. This is a scarf. You will figure out how to use them today!
I can still remember standing at the bus stop with the Tall Boy and the Pouting Princess back in their elementary school days when it was a chilly morning, and I had to teach them the valuable lesson of "Putting Hands in Pockets". But whenever I belly-ached to my Red Hot friends about putting up with hot, hurricane-y Florida weather they would not indulge me for a moment. They would gather their many strengths and forces and they would impale me with a great, scornful look, hissing (in unison), "SNOWSUITS!" Thus reducing me to the quivering, ungrateful mass of Florida transplant that I am.
Be careful with those snowsuits today! Watch out for all those zippers and buttons and bits of Velcro! I am going to put a sweater on.