Clean Air for Blue Skies Day Art Show Space Solar Recovery Roses by Selva Ozelli
- August 30, 2022 08:59

The third International Day of Clean Air for blue skies will be held on 7 September 2022, under the theme of ‘The Air We Share’ after the US passed the largest ever Climate Tax Bill in American History--a historic victory for the US and the world. Because, air pollution is the largest contributor to the burden of disease from the environment, and is one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally. 99% of the world’s population is now breathing polluted air, warns WHO.
This year's theme focuses on the transboundary nature of air pollution highlighting the need for collective accountability and collective action by reminding people that any damage to our atmosphere, is a cross we all collectively bear. Because, air pollution is strongly correlated to other global crisis such as climate change, biodiversity loss, other forms of pollution, social and gender parity as well as economic development.
There is a strong need to raise awareness about the problem, it's impact and finding solutions; by collecting and sharing of data; by research and development of best practices; as well as by strengthening international and regional cooperation for efficient implementation of solutions.
Selva Ozelli with her art show “Art in the Time of Corona 8 – Space Solar Recovery Roses” explores the links between pollution and the pandemic which is based on her article "Is Solar Power Adoption Hindered by an Inadequate Global Environmental Tax Policy?"

The art show includes a portrait of Dr. Paul Jaffe who works in the Spacecraft Engineering Department, of United States Naval Research Laboratory, on power beaming and space-based solar power systems.
Nikolai Joseph of NASA’s Office of Technology, Policy and Strategy in a presentation at the National Space Society’s International Space Development Conference on May 27, 2022 said that NASA is starting a study to evaluate the prospects of space-based solar power (SBSP), the first by the agency in about two decades to reexamine the viability of SBSP, thanks to technological advances and pushes for clean energy to achieve net-zero carbon emissions goals by 2050.
The paintings in this art show have been also selected for exhibition at World Health Organization and Create 2030’s Solidarity Shows: COVID-19 Arts Initiative; ACT4SDGs; the CUHK Jockey Museum of Climate Change, CIMUSET, COP26, Science Foundation of Ireland, London Climate Action Week, International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, Climate Week New York and World Space Week.