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In this photomontage, Sophia Clark directs your attention to Mervin Jules’s 1937 painting The Art Lover, featured on her tour.

Virtual Student Guide Tour: Painting’s Punchlines, with Sophia Clark


In this tour, Sophia Clark ’23 explores the varied means and ends of humor in three works of art that, at first glance, may not seem funny. They are Mervin Jules’s 1937 painting The Art Lover; Charles Bird King’s 1830 painting The Vanity of the Artist’s Dream; and the Archaic Greek Eye cup: Athena (c. 530 BCE), which gives drinkers a different face when they tilt the cup toward them.

This interactive tour will take place online via Zoom. To join, click the following link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/99517559672 (free admission; no pre-registration required).

Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts