“Our” Story: 400 Years of Wampanoag History, an Exhibition for "Plymouth 400"
Part of the Plymouth 400 events marking the Pilgrim arrival in Massachusetts in 1620, an unprecedented traveling exhibit, “Our” Story: 400 Years of Wampanoag History, reveals little-known historic and cultural realities of the “people of the first light.”
The Wampanoag have lived in southeastern Massachusetts for more than 12,000 years. They are the tribe first encountered by Mayflower Pilgrims when they landed in Provincetown harbor and explored the eastern coast of Cape Cod and when they continued on to Patuxet (Plymouth) to establish Plymouth Colony.
As 2020 approaches, America will commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage and the founding of Plymouth Colony, a story that cannot be told without the perspective of the indigenous people who were here as that ship arrived and who still remain.
The exhibition is now at the Cultural Preservation Center, across from the Tantaquidgeon Museum, through Dec. 20, 2019, in Uncasville, Conn.