The Art Students League of New York 2014 Hall of Fame Gala Honoring Ai Weiwei and Gregg Wyatt
The Art Students League of New York will honor internationally renowned artists Ai Weiwei and Greg Wyatt at its 2014 Hall of Fame Gala at the Metropolitan Club (1 East 60th Street, NY, NY) on October 9th. Since its founding in 1875, League artists from Frederick Remington and Norman Rockwell, to Georgia O’Keeffe, Jackson Pollack, Louise Bourgeois, and Cy Twombly, have shaped the course of art around the world. Ai and Wyatt, contemporary League artists, continue that tradition today. In addition to celebrating the League’s rich heritage and worldwide influence, the gala will spotlight talented students who will be sculpting and painting from live models at the event. The Gala will feature a preliminary model exploring the planned expansion of the League’s landmark building on West 57th Street. As a remembrance of the evening, guests will receive a unique ceramic piece from League artists Morito Yasumitsu and Anne Richter. Tickets for the event cost $500 (50% tax deductible), with 10-seat tables available for $5,000, which may be purchased through NYCharities. Proceeds to benefit the League’s capital campaign for building expansion.
- Contact:
- Leah McCloskey
- leah@artstudentsleague.org