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World Affairs and the Enduring American Revolution: Women’s Rights


The year 2020 marks the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. But the struggle for women’s rights did not begin — or end — there. Join us as we team up with the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia for a virtual panel discussion on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 5 p.m.

The panel discussion will take place on the heels of opening of our highly anticipated special exhibition When Women Lost the Vote: A Revolutionary Story, 1776–1807 (open from October 2, 2020 – April 25, 2021), which explores the little–known story of the women and free people of color who legally voted in New Jersey, more than a century before the ratification of the 19th Amendment. The exhibition examines how and why this right was stripped away in 1807 and how the memory of these early voters became a rallying cry as another generation of women took up the mantle of the suffrage movement decades later.

Tickets for World Affairs and the Enduring American Revolution: Women's Rights are $5 for Members and $9 for general admission, and can be purchased on our website. Panelists:

  • Errin Haines: Editor–at–Large, The 19th* and MSNBC Contributor, Moderator
  • Jovida Hill: Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Engagement for Women in Philadelphia, PA
  • Rachel B. Vogelstein: Douglas Dillon Senior Fellow and Director of the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, DC
  • Dr. Rosemarie Zagarri: University Professor and Professor of History at George Mason University and Author of Revolutionary Backlash: Women and Politics in the Early American Republic