Max de Esteban - Binary Code
We are delighted to present new a selection of photographs from the Binary Code series by Max de Esteban.
With this series, Esteban continues his examination of our world as mediated by and through technology, through creating photographic imagery that utilizes the traditions of appropriation and remix. As with his earlier bodies of work, the artist dispenses with the linear perspective inherent in Western art, as a key device in his examination of how technology is a determining factor in artistic expression.
The exhibition brings together nine artworks, from the larger collection of photographs. The photographs are a colorful concoction of collages, with individual elements carefully selected from a broad range of source material. There is no definitive meaning attached to each artwork, thus sending the viewer on a trajectory of multiple narratives that excite the imagination. Elements in each photograph—a woman’s face, industrial structures, silos, graphics, swathes of color—at once seem positively familiar, and yet unknown.
This is the third solo exhibition by the artist at the gallery, and follows the successful exhibition of Binary Code at the Mirbach Palace (Bratislava, Slovakia), FotoFest Biennal (Houston, Texas) and the Pingyao International Photography Festival (Pingyao, China).