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Installation view of "Charles E.  Burchfield: Inexhaustible"

Charles E. Burchfield: Inexhaustible

Menconi + Schoelkopf / February 22 - April 16, 2021 / New York, New York


The astonishing body of work Charles E. Burchfield produced in 1917 is comprised of 400 watercolors and numerous pencil drawings. The works signify one of the most explosively creative and innovative periods in the history of American watercolor and modern art. Charles E. Burchfield referred to fruits born of this fertile moment as his “Golden Year” and he repeatedly sipped from this deep reservoir to produce magical watercolor paintings, including a later passage of giant watercolors uniting various sheets of paper, bringing the intimacy and relevance of his earlier work to a grander scale in a post-war world.   

Charles E. Burchfield’s watercolors are revered for their sense of spontaneity, brilliant color, and a throbbing internal energy. The 1917 works were fundamental to Burchfield’s continued renewal for the next five decades. They also helped the artist to create a vocabulary of abstract thoughts which provided him the “conventions” to develop a sustained independent voice for nearly a half-century more. Charles E. Burchfield: Inexhaustible celebrates the artist’s unique place in American modernism; his profound independence and relentless pursuit of a unique art and clarion voice.  

Menconi + Schoelkopf Fine Art
22 E 80th Street
New York, New York