Clear as Mud: Early 20th Century Kentucky Art Pottery
- June 27, 2010 22:30

Clear as Mud: Early 20th Century Kentucky Art Pottery, edited by Warren Payne, is a ground-breaking new book on the art pottery produced in Kentucky during the first half of the 20th century. From Cornelison Bybee to Waco, Louisville Pottery Co. (Cherokee) to Hadley, a variety of makers is surveyed as well as art tile, drain-tile premiums and Western Kentucky's "pinch pots."
The book touches on a host of influences brought into the region such as mass-market magazines like Gustav Stickley’s The Craftsman, which showcased the Arts & Crafts potteries of the Northeast and Midwest.
Each chapter was written by a collector or scholar specializing in that pottery including, whenever possible, known potters, dates of operation, catalogs, marks, and more.
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