Princess Diana's necklace stars in Iconic Object sale
- August 16, 2010 17:03

On September 24, Guernsey’s will present an Iconic Objects auction at New York City’s Park Avenue Armory. Each lot in this extraordinary themed sale relates to a significant person or an event that impacted cultural history.
Highlights include the only known recordings of 26 speeches presented by Martin Luther King; (once) top secret plans for World War II's D-Day invasion; and the Maltese Falcon statuette from the movie of that name.
Of particular note is a stunning diamond and South Sea pearl necklace with matching earrings, known as the Diana, Princess of Wales Swan Lake Suite. The late Princess wore the glittering necklace on June 3, 1997, at The Royal Gala Performance of Swan Lake by the English National Ballet.
Among the fine and decorative arts on offer are a Tiffany dragonfly lamp from Louis Comfort Tiffany's own home, early Keith Haring artwork, and an original plaster sculpture by Frederic Remington as well as examples of his early bronzes.
Also included in the sale are important documents and collectible items associated with leading figures of the twentieth-century such as John F. Kennedy, Albert Einstein, Frank Sinatra, Mickey Mantle, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, among others.
On Sept. 25, Guernsey's will auction a remarkable collection of vintage carousel animals and menagerie figures by leading carvers such as Dentzels, Looff, Carmel, Muller, and more.