Historians Say 'Holy Grail' Discovery in Spain is No Joke
- March 31, 2014 22:43

Two historians say they have found the famed Holy Grail, the vessel that Jesus Christ used at the Last Supper, at a museum in Spain.
Their 3-year search for the jewel-encrusted cup led them to San Isidro Basilica in northern Spain. The historians say their research conlcudes that a goblet in the church is the 'Holy Grail' and it was given to King Fernando I, who ruled between 1037 and 1065, as a peace offering by the head of a Muslim kingdom within Spain.
Margarita Torres and Jose Manuel Ortega del Rio wrote "Kings of the Grail," a book published last week that outlines their investigation.
Throngs of visitors to the museum after the news broke caused the chalice to be pulled from display until a larger viewing space is found.