An Urgent Message from ARTFIXdaily's Founder
- March 22, 2020 16:12

Dear Readers,
I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well.
In these uncertain times, let's mobilize to support the art world through donations to nonprofits and through marketplace commerce as much as individual ability allows. We can all advocate by contacting our legislators to support the arts community with at least $4 billion in aid, as U.S. museum leaders have asked of Congress.
Our nation's recovery timeline will depend upon how well our system responds to this crisis. Ahead of a federal response, individuals need to take action.
Foremost, please consider the urgent need to get Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to healthcare workers. Living in Silicon Valley, in lockdown for over a week now, I am hearing from neighbors in healthcare that masks and gloves are already in shortage, as global news reports confirm.
California-based nonprofit Direct Relief (4-Star rating on Charity Navigator) is coordinating with public health authorities, nonprofit organizations and businesses in the U.S. and globally to provide personal protective equipment and essential medical items to health workers responding to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Direct Relief has already provided responders with over 1,000,000 masks and 1,673,500 gloves (as of 3/18/20). Please DONATE now and share the link to extend these efforts worldwide:
Art World for Direct Relief, COVID-19 response fundraiser
Thank you, and take care everyone,
P.S. Founded in 2009, ARTFIXdaily has long provided a free ArtGuild platform for the art world to post news online along with a free subscriber e-newsletter. (Note: Thank you to our advertisers!) Our services largely remain FREE, but I do ask that you please give to our Direct Relief fundraiser, if you can. Also, #stayathome and enjoy the ARTFIXdaily archive.