ARTFIXdaily News Feed - Breaking News from the Art World

Christie's Brings Pop-Up Gallery of Auction Highlights to Silicon Valley

ArtfixDaily / September 3rd, 2014

Tech titans in Silicon Valley will now be served up blue-chip artworks for sale nearer to their own doorsteps. New York is coming to...

Austrian Tycoon Acquires Essl Collection

Reuters / September 3rd, 2014

Austrian construction mogul Hans Peter Haselsteiner has bought the modern art collection of hardware chain owner Karlheinz Essl who needed fast funds to rescue his flailing BauMax stores.

Georgia O'Keeffe Museum to Develop Think Tank

Business Journal / September 2nd, 2014

The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, NM, has announced a new museum studies fellowship that it hopes to expand into a larger think tank.

Neanderthal 'Artwork' Discovered in Gibraltar Cave

BBC / September 2nd, 2014

Engravings found inside a Gibraltar cave are the artistic expressions of Neanderthals, say scientists of a new discovery.

Researcher Creates Huge Online Database of Historical Images

BBC / September 2nd, 2014

An American academic has created a massive, copyright-free database of historical images on Flickr.

UK's Art Fund Launches Campaign to Save Wedgwood Collection from Sale

Independent / September 2nd, 2014

One of the most important--and beautiful--industrial archives in the world, the Wedgwood Collection, could be sold off unless the UK's Art Fund can raise £2.7 million in three months' time.

5,000 Works from Essl Collection to be Sold

ArtfixDaily / September 2nd, 2014

One of Europe's premier collections of contemporary art will be liquidated this October...

Portuguese Government Could Sell 85 Miro Artworks

Telesur / September 1st, 2014

On Friday, the Portuguese government announced that it would not list 84 paintings and a sculpture by Spanish surrealist artist Joan Miró as cultural heritage. The decision frees up the art, valued at $50 million...

Anderson Collection at Stanford University to Open this Month

ArtfixDaily / September 1st, 2014

Stanford University's decade-long, $227-million investment in an arts initiative will be in the limelight this month with the unveiling of the Anderson Collection.

Sotheby's Doubles Down on Auction Guarantees

Art Newspaper / August 28th, 2014

Sotheby’s is taking an aggressive stance prior to the next major sales seasons...

Artist Will Make Covent Garden Appear to Float this Fall

Telegraph / August 28th, 2014

Popular marketplace Covent Garden in the heart of London is set to levitate this fall.

Jasper Johns's Assistant Pleads Guilty to Swiping Art

Wall Street Journal / August 27th, 2014

After more than two decades as the assistant to Jasper Johns, James Meyer pleaded guilty on Wed. to stealing and selling 22 works from the artist's studio.

Houston Couple Donates $10 Million Latin American Art Collection to Blanton Museum

Houston Chronicle / August 27th, 2014

A gift of 120 modern and contemporary Latin American artworks from Houston residents Charles and Judy Tate has significantly boosted the holdings of Blanton Museum of Art.

Detroit Hit With a $4 Billion Proposal for City's Art

New York Times / August 27th, 2014

New York-based Art Capital has offered Detroit a loan of up to $4 billion in a new proposal that leaves the city's museum intact with its art used as collateral.

New York Antique Dealers Protest New Ivory Sales Restrictions

Bloomberg / August 26th, 2014

A new law passed in New York by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Aug. 12 has some antique dealers up in arms.

Aspen Art Museum Removes Turtles from Controversial Exhibition

ArtfixDaily / August 26th, 2014

Cold weather has forced the Aspen Art Museum to remove African sulcata tortoises from a controversial art exhibition...

When Crowds Curate, Exhibitions Are By the People

ArtfixDaily / August 26th, 2014

Curating a museum exhibition can now be as easy and interactive as thousands of people clicking Like on Facebook.

Billionaire's Legal Dispute with Art Dealer Pulls in Mugrabi Family

CNBC / August 26th, 2014

Depositions are said to be scheduled for September in a legal dispute between billionaire financier Ronald O. Perelman and contemporary art dealer Larry Gagosian.

Mass MoCA Gets $25.4 Million from State for Expansion

New York Times / August 25th, 2014

Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (Mass MoCA) received $25.4 million in state funding through a capital facilities bond bill passed by Governor Deval Patrick...

Architect Zaha Hadid Sues Over Article

Reuters / August 25th, 2014

Pritzker prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid filed a lawsuit on Thursday against The New York Book Review and architecture critic Martin Filler...