ARTFIXdaily News Feed - Breaking News from the Art World

Fall Scene by William Trost Richards Donated to Adirondack Museum

ArtfixDaily / October 24th, 2012

The Adirondack Museum has acquired the significant painting, "Adirondack Landscape [Elizabethtown], 1864," by William Trost Richards (1833-1905), a gift of the estate of Waldo Hutchins III.

Chunks of HH Richardson House Head to Auction

New York Times / October 24th, 2012

Best-known for his Trinity Church in Boston, leading 19th-century architect Henry Hobson Richardson's only major surviving work in Washington, DC, is coming to auction, piece by piece.

Deactivated Lock Helped Art Thieves, Museum Says

New York Times / October 23rd, 2012

An electronic lock deactivated after an alarm was triggered, allowing two thieves to raid Rotterdam's Kunsthal museum last week. The Dutch museum issued a statement on Monday saying...

Hard Times for Washington's Corcoran, Sale Possible

Reuters / October 23rd, 2012

Washington's oldest museum, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, is seeking an eleventh hour saviour. The private, non-profit institution is steadily losing money even with the draw of its first-class collection of 17,000 artworks...

Knoedler Gallery Made Big Profits from Fakes, Lawsuit Claims

New York Times / October 22nd, 2012

With three federal lawsuits pending against New York's defunct Knoedler & Co., new allegations have emerged that pinpoint the gallery's substantial profits made from sales of about 40 suspicious artworks.

Actor Ryan O'Neil in Court Battle Over Warhol Painting

Beverly Hills Courier / October 22nd, 2012

A judge may let a jury decide whether actor Ryan O'Neal can keep his portrait of the late Farah Fawcett or give it to the University of Texas.

Video Released of Museum Theft; Kunsthal Defends Security

ABC / October 21st, 2012

Dutch police have released a video of two hooded figures ransacking Rotterdam's Kunstahl museum. Within minutes, a cache of seven masterpieces were removed and...

Showstoppers Abound at 24th International Fine Art & Antiques Dealers Show

New York Times / October 18th, 2012

Seventeen new exhibitors at the International Fine Art & Antique Dealers Show bring even more swagger to the 24th edition of the prestigious fair at New York's Park Avenue Armory.

Judge Rules for Art Dealer Over Sotheby's Exec in Australia

Sydney Morning Herald / October 18th, 2012

A judge in Australia has ruled that a civil dispute over assets worth $23 million will end with one partner receiving $3 million.

$8 Million Miro Among Swift Sales at FIAC

Businessweek / October 18th, 2012

At FIAC in Paris, billionaires were in a spending mood despite concerns over changes to local wealth taxes.

Major Art Theft at Dutch Museum: Monets, Matisse, and More Missing

ArtfixDaily / October 16th, 2012

Seven paintings by modern masters were brazenly stolen from Rotterdam's Kunsthal Museum in a pre-dawn heist on Tuesday. The massive take is valued at about €309m, and the artworks may be headed to...

Edvard Munch's The Scream Claimed as Nazi Loot

New York Post / October 15th, 2012

A week ahead of Edvard Munch's "The Scream" going on view at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, claims that the iconic painting has a tragic history have emerged.

Eric Clapton-owned Gerhard Richter Painting Snags Auction Record

ArtfixDaily / October 15th, 2012

German artist Gerhard Richter became the most expensive living artist when his "Abstaktes Bild" (804-9) sold in London on Friday for...

Major Manet Exhibition Opens at Toledo Museum of Art

Cleveland Plain Dealer / October 14th, 2012

Perhaps the most important exhibition to open this fall between Chicago and the East Coast is the Toledo Museum of Art's survey of works by seminal 19th-century artist Edouard Manet.

Court Rules for Collector of Disputed Egon Schiele Drawing

ArtfixDaily / October 14th, 2012

On October 11, a seven-year legal dispute over the ownership of an Egon Schiele drawing concluded when the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled that the current owner could keep full title despite claims by the heirs of a Schiele collector who contended that the work was stolen by ...

"Posters of Paris: Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries" Opens in Dallas

Dallas Museum of Art / October 11th, 2012

This fall, the Dallas Museum of Art presents Posters of Paris: Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries, an exhibition exploring the earliest days of the affiche artistique (artistic poster) and its flowering in Paris, first under Jules Chéret in the 1870s and 1880s, and then with a new generation of artists including Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Pierre Bonnard.

Small College Receives Major Gift of Ansel Adams Photographs

College of New Rochelle / October 10th, 2012

The College of New Rochelle in New York State has received a gift of a complete Museum Set of photographs by renowned American photographer Ansel Adams with an appraised value of $2.5 million.

Collector Demands $3 Million for Motherwell Art Fraud

Courthouse News Service / October 9th, 2012

A collector is seeking $3 million in damages from art dealer Julian Weissman for the sale of an allegedly fake Robert Motherwell painting. In her complaint in New York County Supreme Court, Sheikha Paula Al-Sabah, of Kuwait said... Launches its Art Genome Project

New York Times / October 9th, 2012

Offering an online platform for discovering visual arts just as Pandora is to music and Netflix is to film, launched the public version of its website on Monday.

Art Connections of Presidential Candidates Obama, Romney

Chicago Tribune / October 8th, 2012

President Barack Obama has filled the White House with largely vibrant abstract artworks by the likes of Richard Diebenkorn and Robert Rauschenberg. What would Republican candidate Mitt Romney pick for the presidential residence if he were elected?