Expanding Mediums: American Art Collector to debut new genre sections for Glass, Ceramic and Wood in November 2014 issue
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- September 04, 2014

For the first time ever, American Art Collector magazine is expanding its preview coverage to include glass, ceramic and wood artwork. Now, not only will collectors be able to read about painted art and sculpture—something the magazine has provided since its inception nine years ago—but they will soon be able to learn about new available works from some of the world’s best glass artists, ceramic artists and woodturners.
While these genres have made appearances in the magazine in the past, never before have they had their own dedicated sections. Glass, ceramic and wood artists will now have a great opportunity to connect directly with collectors of fine three-dimensional arts within the pages of American Art Collector, the only national art magazine that is dedicated to bringing artists and collectors together. The magazine will take you deep into the studios, galleries and museums that show and sell these exceptional pieces.
"Over the last nine years, our magazine has been connecting mostly fine art painters with galleries and collectors. While we've previewed literally tens of thousands of new paintings coming up for sale coast to coast it's always worried me that artists and craftspeople creating decorative art objects were being left out,” Publisher Vincent Miller says. “My decision to expand the magazine to include these new sections will give decorative object artists a truly national medium to showcase their new pieces and represents a golden opportunity they otherwise wouldn't have."
The new genres will debut in the November issue, as well as on American Art Collector’s social media sites on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, which has just recently hit 200,000 followers. The sections will be edited by experts from each genre who will give readers the inside and exclusive access they deserve each month as new exhibitions and artists are unveiled.
While the lineup for the November issue is filling up quickly, there is still time for glass, ceramic and wood artists with shows opening in November to contact the magazine about upcoming exhibitions.
Artists looking for editorial consideration can email editor@americanartcollector. There are also introductory rates for advertisers available as American Art Collector prepares this exciting rollout of new features. All advertising inquiries can be made by calling (866) 619-0841.