Clarke Offers Stronger Than Most in August.
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- August 14, 2014

With all the various gadgets we keep close to ourselves every day, the internet is always within arm’s reach. And with the internet always within arm’s reach, there is really no excuse for missing an opportunity bid on an important sale, no matter what time of year it is. So in between beach naps on August 18th, make sure that your internet accessible technology is close at hand so you won’t miss the sale at Clarke Auction.
Thinking of the beach, one might think of Miami. And what could be more Miami, or summer for that matter, than an immaculate 1982 Ferrari 308 GTSi. Clarke will be offering the Ferrari, and subsequently the feeling of August 1982 in all its glory, at a conservative estimate of $20,000/$30,000. If that is not enough to get the imaginary wind blowing in your hair, then make it real by taking of the hard-top/soft-top as you cruise the strip. You don’t have to be a true collector to appreciate a classic Ferrari with only 35,000 miles, and you don’t have to be in the house to bid.

Clarke not only caters to the collector as a showman, but also as a purist. Clarke will offer two exceptional carved wood eagle form consoles. The antique console are of the highest quality, and display an early example of a stylized eagle on a carved plinth base with a sturdy top that is bordered with a Greek key design. The work may have been executed, masterfully, by William Kent. The particular attention to detail in the carving of the wings, and the overall craftsmanship suggests the work of a master craftsman. The entire piece is in several solid pieces of pine which lend to the raw, natural, and authentic feel of the works. The work must be seen in person to truly evaluate the extensive of the quality, but there are plenty of detailed photographs that will help potential bidders examine online. There are but a few pieces like this in the current market, and absolutely none to be sold in August, except at Clarke.

Besides carved wood, there are a number of important and decorative bronzes to be offered in the sale as well. An especially interesting bronze in the selection is an Italian rider on horseback that is signed Chizzari, Naples. The rider is adorned in armor and the precision of details in the piece create the noble presentation of the work. In a more contemporary vein, a beautiful bronze of a reclining nude by Benson Selzer will be offered. The piece, although smaller than some of his other works, is just as effective in reducing the emotional proximity between the observer and the object. The piece is initialed, dated ’90, and numbered in the edition 1 /16.
Two high quality bronze groupings by Quentin Stanley Johnson should also attract bidders in several categories. Both large bronze groupings depict Native American figures with animals. One bronze is titled “Eagle Boy” and depicts a young man with a large eagle taking flight. The other depicts a variety of different woodland creatures with a Native American and is entitled “Hiawatha.” Johnson’s incredible attention to detail in every aspect of the sculpture makes these pieces incredibly beautiful and realistic.
Additional important bronzes by Edourard Hussein, Emilio Fiaschi, Auguste Moreau, Vaclaw Szczeblewski, and Erte will be featured in the selection.
In furniture selections there are some quality lots of Stickley design. Stickley and arts and crafts furniture includes a set of 6 dining chairs, a glass pane bookcase, a large server, a smaller server, a circular oak dining table, barrister bookcases made of oak, and more.
When “pining”, no pun intended, for your love of all things wild, you can also rock out to “Wild Thing” on any number of the classic guitars that Clarke will be offering in the August 18th sale. The guitars are from a variety of makers including the illustrious C.F. Martin Co, Ibanez, Fender, and more. The Martins include selections of six and twelve strings. All have individual cases and are from the same musician’s estate.
To compliment the shine of the summer sun, you can truly “reflect” on your potential winnings through a number of special Sterling and jewelry lots. The sterling selection includes many lots of unique German wedding cups, as well as more traditional sterling lots. Other sterling lots including objects by Whiting & Co., Tiffany, Cartier, Masorett, Theodore B. Starr, William Comyns & Sons, Wallace, Franklin Mint, and much more.
Just like Clarke, the Asian market does not sleep in August. Clarke will be offering an extensive selection of Asian art and objects including a special pair of tea dust vases, a large vase grouping, a finely executed enamel balustrade vases, horseshoe back chairs, a carved chess set, several carved figures, scroll paintings, coral carvings, and more.
In-house previews will be held Friday, August 15th and Sunday, August 17th from 12pm to 4pm EST. Previews will continue the day of sale (Monday, August 18th) from 12pm to 4pm. The sale will start immediately after preview hours on Monday.
The online catalog is available 24/7 at and is updated daily.
For bid registration please call 914 833-8336 or email
Keane RyanClarke Auction