Featured 19th Century Painter: Virgilio Tojetti (Italian/American 1849 – 1901)
- March 29, 2021 11:59
Virgilio Tojetti was born in Italy, the son of Italian artist Domenico Tojetti, noted fresco artist. Artist Virgilio Tojetti studied under his father and later in Paris under Gerome and Bouguereau, two of the most famous and sought after French academic artists of that time. He emigrated to the United States and lived in San Francesco before moving to New York City. Tojetti became known for his frescos and genre scene paintings and exhibited widely. He painted mural in the Savoy Hotel, Hoffman House and others in New York City.
Call now to talk about your interest in this Virgilio Tojetti (Italian/American 1849 – 1901) painting: 724-459-0612 - Jerry Hawk, Bedford Fine Art Gallery