Fine Art Daily, May 11, 2011
- May 11, 2011 05:12
May 11, 2011
It is starting to heat up here, and some of the spring flowers are gasping for coolth. The pansies incinerated a few weeks ago. We had a cheerful purple-y display near the front door in a chartreuse trapezoid of a pot. This morning I noticed that the petunia that I was ready to toss had put out two more brave pink trumpets. I'll stick it in the shade with the orchids, which are just going to town with exuberance. I guess I finally hit upon the right mix of shade, watering and benign neglect. Two of the orchids are from my cubicle days and were used to arctic blasts of gelid air conditioning and florescent lights 24/7. They spent a year in shock, pouting and pensive. This spring they are embracing the notion that suburban life is rawhther pleasant.