Featured 19th Century Painter: William Henry Ahrendt (American, born 1933)
- July 05, 2021 11:26
William Harry Ahrendt is a contemporary painter known for his historical figures-genre paintings. He first studied art at the Cleveland Museum of Art. He became interested in landscape when his family moved to Arizona .to care for his grandmother. His art studies continued when he returned to Cleveland and attended the Cleveland Institute of Art. At that time, the Abstraction movement was underway, a style that Ahrendt found unappealing. He left the United States for eleven years to tour Europe, living primarily in Germany, where he attended the Munich Academy of Creative Arts. There 19th century artist William Harry Ahrendt studied the painting techniques of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, techniques that he applies to his own work.
Call now to talk about your interest in this William Henry Ahrendt (American, born 1933) painting: 724-459-0612 - Jerry Hawk, Bedford Fine Art Gallery