Art Miami, Booth A-85
- December 02, 2010 07:44
Art Miami is in full swing. At our booth, A-85, in the north tent (one of three), Hugh Mesibov's Siege (Leningrad), 1943-44, and Fred Shane's Portrait of Man with Orange Shirt, 1940, are getting lots of attention. The New York, NY section features James Daugherty, Riva Helfond, Anne Ryan, and Louis Schanker. Lynd Ward wood engravings, Peggy Bacon prints and drawings, and modernist works by Fannie Hillsmith, Peter Grippe, and Bernard Rosenquit, roundout the collection.
The Big Storm of '10 came through yesterday afternoon and rattled the tent; no rain to speak of but the temperature dropped into the 60s. Today is just beautiful.