Art at Net Zero Festival London by Selva Ozelli
- September 25, 2021 12:39
Net Zero Art Show:
The Net Zero Festival 2021 runinig from September 29 to October 1 has officially begun.
The event kicked off with an illuminating keynote speech from Pete Betts, the UK government's former chief climate negotiator, who took the audience through the key issues, challenges, and opportunities surrounding a monumentally important two months for global climate action ahead of COP26. That was shortly followed by a fascinating discussion chaired by BusinessGreen's James Murray, with WWF UK's CEO Tanya Steele, the CBI's head of energy and climate change Tania Kumar, and Climate Change Committee CEO Chris Stark all offering compelling arguments as to why far more ambitious policy, investment, and civil society climate action is urgently required.
My Net Zero Art shows are also on exhibit at UN Habita's Urban October, COP26, CIMUSET, 2021 UNGA Guide and Creative Carbon Scotland: