Fine Art Daily, April 15, 2011
- April 15, 2011 04:57
It's Food Friday!
This wedding is getting to us all. Last night Gwynnie's smile was a little strained when she commented about having to dance attendance, then that nit found the jelly bean with Kate's likeness divined from the freckle spatterings. Camilla has just about had it. Charles phoned to ask anxiously if he needed to order more Prosecco. I imagine that a little more bubbly will be flowing than is usual this weekend...
Camilla requested, rather petulantly I thought, because she knows that Friday night means pizza here, to have something different. She wanted some pasta with Uncooked Tomato Sauce. Well, that is easy peasy. I'll make the sauce this afternoon, so it is nice and fragrant when she sails in this evening, and then the rest of us will throw together some Big Love Pizzas on the grill.
2 pounds nice fresh tomatoes, chopped and seeded
1 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, smashed to smithereens
1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped
1/2 cup nice extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
1 16-ounce box of pasta
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
(This is enough for 4 people, unless the Tall One happens to be home. In which case, double all the ingredients.)
Mix all the ingredients except the pasta and the cheese in a big bowl and cover with Saran Wrap. Wait for Camilla to stalk in. Boil the pasta, add to the big mixing bowl, top with the Parmesan cheese. Pour another couple of French 75s. Sit back and watch the birds fly home from work.
“A cooked tomato is like a cooked oyster: ruined.”
Andre Simon