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CinéSalon French Politics on Film: Pater


This deeply engaging experiment in the representation of politics finds veteran director Alain Cavalier asking movie star Vincent Lindon to join him in an onscreen exploration of the relationship between a French president and his prime minister. Taking turns filming each other with a video camera, alternating documentary scenes of their conversations in Cavalier’s home and fictional scenes in which they act out their parts, the two artists reveal as much about themselves as about the inner workings of political life. This profoundly unusual but totally accessible hybrid of a film is a high-water mark of French political cinema.

"It’s politics as a movable feast, where men of power play at make-believe, a bit like in cinema."—The New York Times

Part of CinéSalon series Liberté, Égalité, Fantasy: French Politics on Film

Enjoy conversation, wine, and beer after both screenings

Florence Gould Hall
55 East 59th Street
Btwn Madison & Park Ave
New York, New York